Thursday, October 13, 2011

Become the real engineer, cool

This dream has been carried forward by many potential engineers with them. They studied hard to score all of the As in the examination, continuous studying and working hard to get into university, obtaining scholarships, learning all of the unnecessary subjects which the university "thinks" could be helpful, paying extra tuition fee and taking a longer time to complete the degree program than most of other professional courses.

After stepping into the actual engineering firm and being in practice as an engineer, the situation is good because everyone is glad that you've joined a good company with secure income to boast.

Time passes gradually while working in the engineering career. One year, two years, three years... One slowly realize that the graduates from business schools, law schools, medical schools, teaching schools etc. are earning more than engineers, except civil engineers (may be there are more that I'm not aware of).

Time at work is becoming longer than other professions.  From 9 hours it becomes 10, 11, 12 or even until early morning occasionally due to the increasing workload.  Personal time is getting shorter and lesser.  Work, life, balance...naw...  Officially 5 working days in a week, actual working days are 7 in a week if you include the OTs and coming on weekends. Oh yes, OT means working for free for the company, in this instance.

Bonus payout of other professions are in the range of 6 months or more. Engineers are talking about 3 months or less.

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